Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fundraiser a Success!

Thanks to the generous support of our Ashford community, the music department raised $1,200.00 in the annual pizza and pie fundraiser sponsored by the PTO. Miss Dotson and Mrs. Porri would like to thank all of the parents and staff who participated and donated. A special thank you to Gavin, Austen, Jennie, Justin, Kasey and Sarah who stayed after school to organize the orders. Thanks also to Mrs. Colonese and Mrs. Mahue who helped deliver orders on Thursday evening!

10% of the funds will go to the Gil Armitage Band Scholarship fund which provides equipment and materials for students who may not be able to financially participate in the band. The rest of the money will go toward the purchase of new equipment for the music room and band. Stay tuned for more details.

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